Acupuncture &

Traditional Chinese Herbology

  • Initial Acupuncture $110

    Initial consultation includes acupuncture & related modalities, and dietary & lifestyle recommendations

  • Follow-up acupuncture $90

    For follow-up visits - Consultation includes acupuncture & related modalities, and dietary & lifestyle recommendations

  • Follow-up Acupuncture & Herbs $110 + Cost of HerbS

    For follow-up visits - Consultation includes acupuncture & related modalities, dietary & lifestyle recommendations, and an herbal formula

  • Initial Herbal Consultation $90 + Cost of Herbs

    Initial herbal consultation includes dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and an herbal formula. Includes two abbreviated check-in follow-ups for minor adjustments to the formula

  • Follow-up Herbal Consultation $60 + COST OF HERBS

    For more extensive follow-ups or every third herbal follow-up. Consultation includes a check-in with dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and an herbal formula